…Restless Leg Syndrome, cramping toes, and there is the loss of the sense of smell, sometimes taste goes along with it. …NON-MOTOR symptoms such as multi-tasking, organizational skills, prioritizing, memory, anxiety, insomnia, fatigue (these last 3 have been mentioned). …tremors both hands/wrists/arms and even both legs at times too. …Gait issues/weakness in legs and rigidity had to be my first signs. …tremor in left hand and extreme fatigue.

I felt “anxious” and tense with slight tremor and dizziness. …handwriting became smaller with each line. At that point I also had a pinched nerve on my right side witch made my hand numb. I had several people ask why my hand was shaking. Then it felt like I had to drag my right leg. Then I discovered I could barely wiggle my right toes. …tightness in ribs so that I can’t quite take a big breath. …stiff right neck, tremor and slight weakness left arm, then slightly dragging right leg-but agree most debilitating symptom is fatigue like I always have flu. …tremor, stiffness and slowness in my left hand, combined with dizziness, somewhat sudden loss of coordination and most of all fatigue. My left flank is on and off in a rigid state. Soon after my left would shake to a point my entire arm is one big tremor. …my left arm wouldn’t swing while I walked.

…a right hand tremor and a feeling of unbalance. …intention tremor and uncoordinated trying to put shoes on. About that time my handwriting was so small even I couldn’t read it. For five years I had what I thought was an “intention” tremor of right fingers until a friend saw me at rest and said “Is that a little Parkinson’s I see?” Denial. …intermittent pain/spasm in right neck that massages, chiropractors, and acupuncturists could never fix. Then came the balance and my legs started just feeling strange and on my right side I started noticing I had no arm swing. It had gotten quite small and seemed to always slant down. …Left hand tremor, stiffness and slowness for me. Seems like everything I try to do I end up needing help. …8 yrs later my balance is bad – I fall sometimes no tremors because meds help that. …a tremor in my left hand then my neck would sometimes feel like it was vibrating arms didn’t swing when I walked. It has progressed to my whole hand and sometimes arm shakes and my head bobbles and when the meds do wear off, I can feel my whole body tremble. …right thumb would twitch and I thought it was stress and being over tired. Within a few days of starting meds, I felt like a different person.

It had taken almost 2 years to get it figured out. At this point I also noticed I had little or no arm swing. Then shortly before I was diagnosed with PD, I was walking in the Mall and started feeling very strange and was having a very hard time walking. About this same time, I noticed that my hand writing was getting worse and worse and went on to being very small. To this day the toes on my left foot are curled down. I had this counter that I used when checking in merchandise and I would find myself leaning against it to get some support…I found myself also actually curling my toes to help with balance. …I was working as an order and receiving clerk, so I was on my feet quite a lot. …First thing I noticed was that I was having a hard time with my balance. (FYI – Since this post was originally published, it has been updated and includes newer responses that may not have been previously mentioned.) In response to a question posed to those with Pa rkinson’s disease, “What were your first symptoms of PD?”, the following is a list of answers – an important reminder that PD affects no two people the same way.